Sunday, February 7, 2010

90 Day Challenge

I lasted just a week, as always. I've tried several diets over the last 10 years - Weight Watchers, Atkins, e-Diets, Metabolic Research Center, etc. Any one of them would have worked if I would have followed them. The problem is that I am ADDICTED to food. None of these programs gives me what I really need, which is the one-on-one help that I think would make the difference. I don't know where to find that. I suppose I could try to find a psychiatrist, but I don't even know if there is anyone in this area that offers treatment for overeating. Plus, if insurance doesn't cover the visits, I'm not quite at the point where I could justify the cost. I do know that my insurance would cover the Lap Band. That is my last resort for sure. I don't want to have surgery. I want to overcome overeating without drugs or surgery. I'd like to give myself a year before I even consider surgery an option. I'm going to set a reminder to myself to pop up in on year. If I'm still where I am no with no progress, maybe it will be time to consider the Lap Band. We'll see if I can find the answer myself between now and Feb 7, 2011.

My first idea is a 90 day challenge. I've been doing some of the P90X videos, which I love. I'd like to truly follow the P90X exercise plan and stick to between 1200 and 1800 calories per day. I plan to NEVER eat more or less. For this 90 days, it will just be about calories. If I make healthy choices, great. If I make bad choices, I won't consider that failing and throw in the towel like I usually do. As long as I still exercise and stick to my calorie range, I will consider the next 90 days a success.

I can do it. I can do it. I can do it.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Me? Blog?

Maybe a blog will help me lose weight, eat healthier, and exercise more. That's not to much to ask, right?